Madagascar 3M seeks to identify, train, and equip men for ministry. 3M corresponds to three Malagasy words: “Mpitoriteny-Mpitandrina-Mpanompo” (which translates to “Preacher-Shepherd-Slave”). We seek to train men to be powerful preachers of God’s Word, faithful shepherds of God’s flock, and humble servants of Christ.
The 3M Preaching Institute aim at training faithful expositors of the Word of God. It offers biblical, theological, and professional education designed to equip men for effectiveness in Christian ministry to the universal body of Christ, primarily through the local church.
3MPI wants to be driven by an education philosophy that is consistent with Scripture by:
Majoring on biblical certainty, not doubt or theory
Striving for spirituality in the 3M Preaching Institute students, not intellectualism alone
Preparing men to serve the Lord, not merely to know about the Lord
Emphasizing a methodical, disciplined approach to studying Scripture, rather than using a haphazard approach
Encouraging excellence and never accepting mediocrity
Expecting the faculty to be examples, not merely experts
Stressing the imperative to function in the body of Christ, not merely as an individual
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us.
Madagascar 3M Preaching Institute
Lot VB8 Bis D Ambatoroka
Antananarivo 101