The intent of the 3M Preaching Institute is to come alongside the existing structures and all the relevant stakeholders and be involved in identifying, training, and equipping men to study, obey, and teach God’s Word.
It is a Bible-teaching seminary in Madagascar, focusing on expository preaching, so to develop a generation of godly church leaders who will then impact many lives.
Our doctrinal statement summarizes our beliefs with regards to major areas of doctrine and practice. To prevent doctrinal drift, leadership, faculty, and administrators of this training center are required to sign our doctrinal statement annually.
To adhere unswervingly to the founding purpose of training pastors to shepherd and equip Christ’s church.
To keep the 3M Preaching Institute faithful to its biblical foundations. All biblical content is to be based on God’s inerrant Word and developed through the exegetical process. The curriculum must constantly reflect scriptural absolutes to avoid deviation from God’s truth.
To enrich faculty leadership. Every member of the 3M Preaching Institute faculty fits a sixfold profile in that they are all men of God, men of the Word, men of scholarship, men of Christ’s church, men of prayer, and men of compassion. Furthermore, there is doctrinal alignment among every faculty member.
To insist on an educational philosophy that is consistent with Scripture by:
• Majoring on biblical certainty, not doubt or theory
• Striving for spirituality in the 3M Preaching Institute students, not intellectualism alone
• Preparing men to serve the Lord, not merely to know about the Lord
• Emphasizing a methodical, disciplined approach to studying Scripture rather than using a haphazard approach
• Encouraging excellence and never accepting mediocrity
• Expecting the faculty to be examples, not merely experts
• Stressing the imperative to function in the body of Christ, not merely function as an individual
To emphasize the well-articulated goals of the 3M Preaching Institute—both personal and pastoral.
• To cultivate a holy, intimate relationship between every student and God
• To produce compassionate men who have gracious relationships with others
• To study God’s Word with precision
• To speak God’s message with power
• To serve God’s purpose with zeal
• To shepherd God’s flock with care
• To fight God’s battle with courage
– D.Min. 2022, The Master’s Seminary
-MDiv 2017, The Master’s Seminary
The 3M Preaching Institute campus has two large classrooms, a print shop, a student lounge, a chapel, meeting rooms, as well as on-campus housing designated for residential students.
The 3M Preaching Institute’s administration is committed to building a strong library, one that contains both physical and digital books, articles, and other research materials. A new cafeteria will soon be built on the campus for the benefit of all of our students and faculty.
In a country plagued with syncretism because of the cultural attachment to animist practices, as well as an increasing influence of Islam and the Prosperity Gospel Movement, there is, by God’s grace, a few remnant churches faithful to biblical truth.
One denomination that has remained conservative is the FFBBM (Fivondronan’ny Fiangonana Batista Biblika eto Madagasikara or the “Association of Biblical Baptist Churches in Madagascar”). There are currently over 140 churches in the FBBM Association scattered all around the island, the majority being countryside churches. 60 to 65% of the pastors of those churches have received very minimal to no theological training at all. There are also still thousands remote villages where people have not heard the name of Christ.
Other denominations partnering with Madagascar 3M that may also have churches that have remained faithful to biblical truths are FJKM, METM, CEIM, and TCC.
The Lord is at work raising a new generation of trained leaders within these denominations and a great effort is currently being done to make training accessible to pastors. Regional modular trainings are offered in some areas. The FBBM also has an existing seminary in Antsirabe, 120 miles from the capital city of Antananarivo. There are also four other evangelical seminaries in Antananarivo, called FJKM Ambatonakanga, FJKM Ivato, CEFOI, and ISTE. However, none of these seminaries truly focuses on expository preaching.
God is at work bringing together the faculty for the institute. In addition to two graduates from The Master’s Seminary (TMS), David Ellingson and Faly Ravoahangy, the initial faculty will include Pastor Haja Ralambomanana and Hasiniaina Razafinjato. These men both graduated from TMAI’s Christ Seminary in South Africa. Haja has been installed as the senior pastor of the Ankadivato Biblical Baptist Church, the “mother” church of the FFBBM (biggest in size and influence) since January 14th, 2018. The Ankadivato church will be the “home church” to the seminary. The 3M Preaching Institute desires to be a church-based ministry. Two additional men, Christian Rajohnsonarinavalona and Fiderana Radrianjoary, are currently being trained at TMS and will return to be part of the faculty upon completion of their studies.
The 3M Preaching Institute is a member school of The Master’s Academy International (TMAI). Since 1992, Grace Community Church (Los Angeles, California, USA) has sent out graduates of The Master’s Seminary (TMS) as missionaries around the world with the goal of establishing pastoral training centers and seminaries.
Today, these servants are scattered across many nations, strengthening the international church by training and equipping those who have been called to preach and lead.
TMAI is the ministry that undergirds their training centers by providing financial, educational, and administrative resources to member schools, and ensuring compliance of existing schools with TMAI’s membership criteria. TMAI comprises at least seventeen training centers and seminaries around the world, all established or staffed by TMS graduates.
With more than 1,500 current students and 4,000 graduates, these schools all share a common doctrinal statement and a common goal—to help the indigenous church train its own pastors and leaders in biblical integrity. With an emphasis on expository preaching, these nationals are trained to biblically shepherd Christ’s church and entrust their ministries to the next generation of faithful men (2 Timothy 2:2).